There is a CHANGE on the horizon!

Hi everyone,

So much has happened since the year started. The flu came and grabbed me within the first few days of the year and I’m just starting to feel 98% myself. My son suffered as well (but thankfully we were able to avoid the worst via TamiFlu). Now it’s February! I am thankful that I’m still here, and that we are getting better. There is so much to look forward to in 2018.

One thing that has gotten me excited over the past few days is this movement that’s building to get us all free from cyclical patterns that can hinder us from moving ahead into all that we desire. That movement is the #BreakTheCycle Challenge led by Married & Young’s founders, Jamal & Natasha Miller. I have been a follower of the M&Y ministry for a few years now, so my excitement stems from that place where I’ve watched them grow and develop into amazing leaders. This note is my invitation for you to join us, starting TOMORROW, Monday Feb 5 as we go through this process of preparing our hearts to destroy thoughts, patterns, habits and histories that are like weights and hindrances in our lives. Divorce, abuse, neglect, abortion, overeating, pornography, abandonment, and so on…let’s pray, fast, learn, cry and be strengthened in our journey so that we become stronger, healthier, wiser and more equipped for our future.

Click HERE to join us; we’re already over 20,000 strong and we can’t wait for tomorrow morning to get here!

HUGE Announcement!

Hi everyone!

My latest book is ready for pre-order at!

“The Power of Purpose – Living Your Destiny” has been in the works for some time now. I’m happy to say that it will be released in the Spring!

I am SO excited about this latest book, because I’ve shared practical tips from personal experience and shared experiences from the lives of others. Pastor Hart Ramsey, known for his timely #UPLIFT tweets and messages, wrote the Foreword! I am excited for the doors that will open for many who will read and apply the principles I’ve shared.

Here’s my first review!

“Michelle’s book was motivating, practical and spoke truth about life’s journey. Without pursuing purpose, one can amble through life, unfulfilled and unable to help others around you that should be blessed by the manifestation of your passion on the path towards your destiny. Don’t just wake up, live and die without pursuing what makes you passionate.” ~Nicole Cameron, MD

Preorder your copy today and begin to pursue your destiny!

Book cover for Power of Purpose Book


My New eBook for New Authors: “Write That Book!”

So I’m back with another book! This time it’s an eBook, a simple guide for first-time authors! It’s an easy read, and if you have been following my blog for some time, you are familiar with my writing style.

I can’t wait for you to have this tool! The link to get your copy is below the photo.

Share it with friends too!

Writers! Get ready to learn how to get from,
Writers! Get ready to learn how to get from, “What do I do now?” to, “You’re invited to my first book launch event!” Loaded with useful tips and key connections to help you become a successful published author!

Buy eBook

Launching Your Dream in the New Year

Do you have dreams and desires that you would like to see happen this year? What will you do to get there? Here are a few things you can do to get started.

  1. Write the Vision. If it isn’t written down, there is a high likelihood that it will not happen. Whether it is a list, a vision board or calendar entries, write down what you want to see happen to take you to the next level in your pursuits.
  2. Get a Life Coach or Mentor. Birthing your dream may require the assistance of someone who has already walked the path that you desire to take. Carefully observe others around you who are already successful at what you want to do and initiate that connection. Ensure that you show the life coach or mentor that you are serious about their investment in you, as their time is valuable. Make your meeting times a priority on your calendar, and complete all assignments as directed.  Remember that this is your vision, so act accordingly.
  3. Make Financial Investments in Your Dream. Whether it’s getting websites developed, opening bank accounts or purchasing equipment or tools for your dream, you must show the world that you believe in YOU. Never expect someone else to invest in you more than you are willing to invest in yourself and in your dream.
  4. Invest Time in Building Your Dream. You may have a mentor or life coach, but there are additional activities that only you can do to invest in your dream. If it includes writing a book, you will need to actually sit down and write or audio-record the content. If you are preparing to host seminars or webinars, then visual aids and presentations will need to be prepared and rehearsed.
  5. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Dreamers. Working alongside others who are just as driven to birth their dreams is euphoric. They can become your accountability team, where you push each other along to where you need to be. These visionaries must be people you can trust to not divulge information or steal ideas. Keep your eyes open for such connections, as it helps you to maintain your perspective and can become the wind beneath your wings.
  6. Launch Your Dream! You’ve worked on it, and gained experience and valuable input from others. You have invested time and money in your dream, and you are ready to share it with the world. Launch your dream! Everything will not be perfect at the outset, and adjustments may be needed as time goes on. Consider launching to a test market before a wider audience is selected so you can modify as needed before more people see your final product.

So are you ready to launch your dream this year? Well, “On your mark! Get set! GO!”

Pursuing What Counts in 2013

This blog was first launched on December 29, 2010. Two years of triumphs and tragedies have passed since then, and I am thankful that I am still here to share this special moment with you – the end of yet another year.

We’ve seen significant changes financially, spiritually, socially, in politics, and in our communities all around us. We’ve buried many children due to violence, like the recent Sandy Hook Elementary School horror in Newtown, Connecticut (USA) and Trayvon Martin’s untimely death in Florida. Some cities like Chicago, Illinois (USA) have buried over 500 people in 2012 due to violence alone. Wars have erupted in the Middle East and in other world regions as governments and regimes fight for various rights or privileges. People crush each other any moment they get a chance (on social media, in the workplace) because of the fierce competition that is now ensuing.

What about our futures? What type of world are we creating for the generations coming up behind us? Are we proud to show our children how materialistic we’ve become? Is having all the latest gadgets, clothes, shoes and cars the only way to show that we’re “really living”? Do we make the effort to extend ourselves to help others, or are we content with the “us four, no more” mentality?

When we are at work, can anyone say that we genuinely care about their well-being, even if we are managers? Or is self-preservation the name of the game?

What about our church circles? The shame and embarrassment seems unending when news is broadcasted about our issues. Are we willing at all to step aside and allow God to take full control of our private appetites so they do not boil over and become public disgraces?

We need a revival of our souls. We are thirsty and are reaching for things that will never satisfy us!

2 Chronicles 7: 14 – 15 (NKJV, Holy Bible) states:
“….if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.”

I have such a spiritual hunger and thirst deep within me now that I cannot truly explain. I’m at a place in my life now where dressing in the latest labels and designs are a nice-to-have and is not required. Driving the latest model car means nothing to me now; I’ve done that twice before. Living in the “right” zip-code means very little; I’ve done that before too. What I NEED, more than anything else, is more of GOD. He speaks to me in the small things and in the big things. His care is evident. His love is precious. He speaks to my soul in ways I cannot describe adequately. Dreams, desires and ministries are birthed when we submit our lives into His hands.

As we embark on a new journey that begins in just a few hours (less than 12 hours), let us stop the busyness, step away from our electronic devices for some time and give God our undivided attention. He longs to commune with us. His presence gives us unexplainable peace of mind. His presence brings divine revelations on how to proceed in our lives. His love envelops us and heals us of past hurts and disappointments. These are not just cute sayings; these are REAL results when we stay and pray. Meditation on the Bible is vitally important in growing and developing us as living examples. Reading biblically-grounded books help as well. Take notes as you meditate, read and reflect. Allow God to push you into your next place of blessing (or testing).

I want to worship God with ALL my heart, mind, soul and spirit. I want to worship Him as I approach a new year with new challenges and new blessings.

Will you join me?

I wish a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2013 to you and your families!

2012 – The Year of Many Milestones!

I am BURSTING with excitement today!

Why, because I received THIS in the mail:

Class of 2012~

This year has been an AMAZING ride.

  1. I celebrated a milestone birthday in March (40!!!).
  2. One week and 2 days ago I submitted my final paper for my MBA – FIVE YEARS in the making!
  3. This morning my boss surprised me with an early celebration: My 15-year anniversary at my company (which is actually one month away)! I already ordered my gift. I don’t waste time! 🙂
  4. ….and in the mail, my regalia for my MBA graduation later this year!

What will happen next? I don’t know, but I am giddy with excitement! I sense that God is reminding me that all the years of hard work, dedication, determination and sacrifice are about to help me “hit the jackpot!” When we are faithful to God, He will be faithful to us. He has never failed us.

Although all these exciting things are happening, just like everyone else I have areas in my life that I wish I could change right now. But I am not as panicked as I was a couple days ago. My discouragement is waning and fading. He is sending me help because He knows what my needs are before I even mention them, and that is some “blessed assurance” RIGHT THERE!

My Prayer:

Thank You God, for helping me to get here. A single mom, a divorcee, celibate and sold out to You and to Your purpose, preparing for what’s next, I humbly bow to You and acknowledge the significant role You’ve played in my life up to this moment. I know that more is in store, and that You won’t leave me nor forsake me. THANK YOU for life, health, strength and peace in the midst of chaos and distractions. You have surrounded me with wonderful people. Thank You God for supportive friends, family, coworkers and others. Thank You FOR everything, DESPITE everything! I am in awe of who You are and of ALL You have done, all You are doing,  and WILL DO!


My Heart…..

I wrote this piece in July 2007 but it is just as relevant for me today.


My heart is burdened now. Have you ever wished all the best for others, but you get the feeling that those same people don’t feel the same way about you?

Have you ever felt alone at a time when you ought to be excited and you should be able to share your excitement with others? Have you ever wondered what did you do for you to feel this way, how did you do what you thought you did, and so on?

Well, hey…. All I can say is, God knows me best. God has a plan for my life, no matter who or what may oppose or object. God is in control of my every move, and I make it known: I refuse to do or say anything that isn’t directed of God. I must breathe Him in; I must feel His presence near me, or I perish. I truly believe He is speaking to me even more than He’s ever spoken to me, mostly because I’m listening a lot better now.

So, where am I going? God has begun to show me bit by bit where I’m heading, and it is too awesome to describe. He’s shown me that I will have a huge impact here on earth. And I embrace that. He sent his servants here to my church two weeks ago to show me and confirm to me what I’ve felt in my spirit for so long. Things I hadn’t told a soul, God confirmed it.

So, I believe the separation issue is one where God gets a chance to be closer to me than ever before, because He’s the only One to Whom I can talk freely.

Others may think they know where I’m going, what I’m doing and why I’m doing it, but God and I are really the only ones who know. (And, in all honesty, God is the One Who truly knows. He’s only telling me stuff on a “need to know” basis.)  My calling is unique, so my path must reflect my destiny.  I must learn some lessons, meet some people, and experience some things. And God will be there all the way while I do what I need to do.

I don’t expect everyone to agree or to understand, but this is who I am; this is who I am becoming.  For many years I’ve lived in the shadow of others, seeking their approval for every step I took and for every decision I made.  I have many regrets because of this.  But now I’m heading down a unique path, so those days are over.  I must now truly “get it” on my own.  If I was not walking according to His will, He would not be speaking to me so much! He’d be telling me to repent, etc. But that is not what I am hearing….

To God be the glory, because He is using my life and will continue to use my life to bring glory to His holy name. Yesterday, Mark 11 vs. 23 and 24 caught my attention after I had a heart-to-heart discussion with Him on this subject. Then later in the day, Mark 11 vs. 22 also caught my attention. Verse 22 says, “Have faith in God.” It then discussed believing and not doubting and commanding the mountain to cast itself into the sea and it would happen. Verse 24 states, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” I was ready to dance when I read this, but I had leave my car and go inside to work….

Now, that’s POWERFUL. And if my desire is to please the Lord in everything, big, small and in-between, then having faith in God must give me the right desires for the right things, as everything would be lining up. My will would then become His will, so my desires would become His desires towards me.

So, why should I worry that others think I’m making huge mistakes with my life? Why should I feel inadequate, thinking that I don’t know the voice of God for myself and thus allow others to imply to me that they know His voice better than I do? And why should I doubt what He’s shown me and told me so many times in so many ways? Why should I believe that someone else will always get “the revelation” about my life? And why can’t I get that revelation directly from God for myself? Am I unable to approach the Throne-room of God on my own, for myself? Since the day the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom, the day Jesus died, I had access to the Throne-room for myself.

I will seek the Lord, and He will continue to take my hand and lead me where I need to be. God knows my heart, God knows my intentions, and God knows that I only want what He wants for me, nothing else, and nothing less.

I do not hold any grudges, but my heart is sad.   I should have expected this. Someone told me today that oil can only come out of olives one way – and that is, they have to be crushed. (Elder Lenore Artis)

So, let the crushing begin…..

But after the crushing, the oil that comes out is the oil of the anointing that God has placed on the inside of this dark-skinned olive.

Thank you, God for your spirit of encouragement. You promised to fulfill your Word in my life and in the life of my family. Manifest yourself today and from this moment onward.