Celibacy – Why I Live That Life

I haven’t yet written about my celibate life and why I’m on this journey for eight years so far. So here’s why.

1. I am a Christian, and I firmly believe in the Bible. Hebrews 13:4, NKJV states: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” I know it’s considered ancient, outdated and very “Cleaverish” to believe in or to practice celibacy based on the Bible, but I also have other reasons which are listed below.

2. I don’t have to live in fear of picking up a STD or getting pregnant unexpectedly. I know there are “precautions” that we can use and many of them work well when used properly, but there are MANY people who thought they were safe and were still “caught”. As one of my social media friends pointed out recently, we save a LOT of money when we don’t have to purchase birth control or condoms or take frequent tests to ensure that we did not pick up a disease. I don’t think the 15 minutes of pleasure is worth the angst that follows thereafter.

3. My heart is free. The issue of soul ties where we are intimately connected to everyone we’ve ever slept with is REAL. Having to untangle my heart and my soul from several men is, thankfully, something I am not struggling with at this time. I had to work through that issue when my divorce was finalized, which was a tough situation. With healing comes the realization that I don’t want to go down that path again unnecessarily (or EVER).

4. My conscience is clear. It is human nature to rationalize what we want to accept, whether it is the right thing to do or not. I’m very hard on myself in many areas of life because I want to reach higher and grow wiser and stronger in Christ. If I need to justify my behavior to feel good about myself even at the expense of my testimony and my relationship with God, I think I would lose that fight.  Because God created marriage as the context for intimacy and procreation, as a single woman I have asked Him to help me honor my vow to live out His Word.

5. I’m setting an example for my son and for others to follow. We can live fulfilled, pleasurable and productive lives without sex (which includes masturbation and viewing pornography). We are free to pursue our purpose when we are not focusing all our energies on satiating our feelings and desires.

Are there challenges in maintaining celibacy? Of course! I’m human and I was married before, so I know what intimacy is like. Even before I was married (I was a virgin on my wedding day) I still struggled to maintain my virginity up to the age of 25.

Some of us have asked why has God given us these urges if we weren’t supposed to act on them. I think of it in this way: We are given appetites for food, for sex and for other things. If we act on our appetites inappropriately, we reap the consequences of those actions. If we eat at the wrong times (e.g. too late at night) or if we eat the wrong foods OR too much food, we will experience weight and health issues. If we eat in the proper context (eating to live versus living to eat), we maintain a healthy weight with fewer health issues. In that same way, practicing restraint in sexual activities and keeping it within the context that God created it for (which is marriage) makes it fun and a GOOD thing! When children are conceived in a healthy marriage there is a secure nuclear unit, which is the ideal home environment for them.

I am determined to keep the big picture always in the forefront. I am willing to sacrifice a momentary pleasure that has the ability to derail the rest of my life and I am choosing instead to WAIT until God sends Mr. Right in my direction.

I recommend these pages for more information and encouragement on your journey to celibacy:







Author: Michelle G Cameron

Hi! I hope you've enjoyed my posts on www.michellegcameronwrites.com. I am also the author of "It's My Life and I Live Here: One Woman's Story" and "I'm Single. Now What? 13 Steps on How to Live Single and Free." I am also the author of "The Power of Purpose: Living Your Destiny" and "Write That Book: Tips For New Authors." They are available on Amazon, B&N and everywhere that books are sold. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram at @michellegcameronllc & on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CameronMichelleG My website is bit.ly/michellegcameron See you again soon!

11 thoughts on “Celibacy – Why I Live That Life”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post!! This is my first time visiting this site!!.. I think it’s amazing!! I knew I was not alone!!I am entering my 9th year of celibacy and I love it!!

  2. Great points Michelle. I can so relate. I have been celibate for many years and I give God all the honor and all the glory. Celibacy was a struggle for me. Not even because I was oversexed, but because the men always expected it and I felt obligated. Sad I know. I thank God for the day he set me free and enlightened me that I did not owe anyone my body and also that I did not have to be validated through racking miles on my body. I was a jewel in His crown and I was deserving to be loved and cherished by someone who would make an honest woman out of me. He also gave me a revelation that blew my mind away. It went as follows: “Why would you put miles on your body and give the best of yourself to men who don’t honor you and value you? Do you know who is going to end up inheriting all the soul ties and miles?? The man who who is actually deserving of your best self in every sense.” It is a travesty indeed that Your husband is the one who will end up getting the shorter end of the stick. That revelation shook me and since that day I have no desire to awaken love before it’s time. That will NOT be my portion or my husbands portion. I will wait for my king. The man God intended for me even before the foundations of this world.

    Thanks for sharing. I am certain someone needed to hear this. Keep writing and being obedient to the Holy Spirit. I appreciate your honesty and transparency!!

    1. Hi Taf, THANK YOU for your transparent response. I believe you just encouraged a LOT of people as well. Saving the best of ourselves for our husbands is one of the best reasons to wait! Why give the love of our lives the leftovers? Thanks again for taking the time to respond!

    2. Thank you so much for this! Alot of us got encouraged by this. I love hearing these responses from women who are actually walking in the line of celibacy. Keep it up guys!

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