Savior of the World….ME??

It has been a VERY LONG TIME since I posted on here; “I’ve been busy” is an understatement!

So I have a question for you: Have you ever heard of situations that others are facing and felt that you HAD TO help them? I have felt that way every time I’ve heard bad news, of a misfortune or a “problem”. This is known as the Messiah Complex; the people who show this behavior feel the need to be a savior to others.

I am very empathetic toward others, and I HATE to hear that someone is suffering for any reason, even if it is as a result of their actions or choices.   I think of ways to “rescue” the person so they do not feel pain. Maybe this is coming from feelings of pain in my past, where I had hoped that someone would come and rescue me; I am not 100% sure. Because of my empathy for others I have been gravely misunderstood by many, and I have been thought of as someone who was trying to cause trouble. I would be so confused by their reactions to my offers for help or to my expressions of help that I would withdraw.

A situation arose recently where I felt pain for one of the parties. I reasoned that the other person was extremely self-centered and did not care about the situation. As I thought about my reaction (“I HAVE to help them”) I began to probe my heart even deeper and asked myself a few tough questions:

1. Did they ask anyone for help?

2. Did they come to YOU specifically to seek counsel or advice?

3. How do you know that they do not have a plan in place to handle that situation, which you cannot see or understand from your vantage point?

4. Is it a legitimate problem or are they in immediate danger?

If the situation involves relatives it gets worse for me, and I believe that my mother’s passing over 22 years ago has made me feel “motherly” for most of my life.

Many may say “Why get involved in something that does not affect you personally?” Because it DOES affect me. It HURTS me when I see others hurting. I was preparing to take the MCATs to go to medical school, but I had to change my focus because I could not handle serious illness and death.  I would get attached to the patients as if they were family members.

I also hate to see others relive my mistakes, especially if they know my story. Why sit there and watch someone make unwise choices and not speak up? I usually compare not speaking up to knowing that a bridge is out and deciding not to alert the oncoming traffic. I’ve felt that by not waving a red flag to alert someone, I was not loving someone.

So after repeated “run-ins” with people, I am learning how to allow God to take care of them.  I mean EVERYONE.  The erring husband and his unsuspecting wife (or vice versa). The single parent who does not discipline his or her child. The unwise person who doesn’t save for the future while their personal expenses are minimal. I could go on and on…..

It will be tough for me, but I’ve decided that the best way to respond to others’ life events is to PRAY and RELEASE them to the Only One who has the power to change men’s (and women’s) hearts and minds.  God created all of us in our mothers’ wombs, and He has a blueprint for all of us. We have lessons to learn and destinies to meet. He is WELL ABLE to handle all the errors and missteps in each of our lives. Many times our “hands-on” help is NOT required.

I will pray that the erring spouse reconsiders their indiscretions and return to their marital commitment. I will pray that the parent sees the necessity in creating boundaries for their child NOW instead of demanding it when the child is older (when it’s too late). I will pray for the young employee who spends most of their money with no thought toward the future, like I did. I will pray for those who are in unfortunate situations and cannot see their way out. I will pray for those who must accept a foreclosure on their home. And I will not try to “save” ANY of them.

As I recall instances in the Bible, Jesus always asked the people who came to Him: “What do you want me to do for you?” Clearly, I am not even acting consistently with how Jesus lived His life on earth. He never lifted a finger (figuratively or literally) without a request directed at Him. One exception that comes to mind is the story of the woman at the well in Samaria (Read John chapter 4 verses 1 – 42 in the Bible.)

There are instances where I can help someone. If they come to me personally seeking guidance or advice, I can ask God to give me wisdom to know how to respond (if I should respond).  If they need food or clothing and I have the means to give, I will.

I am not Jesus Christ Incarnate.  I still have to be strong and available for my son and my grandmother. I can’t save or rescue everyone.

But GOD can. I will allow Him to do His job.

Author: Michelle G Cameron

Hi! I hope you've enjoyed my posts on I am also the author of "It's My Life and I Live Here: One Woman's Story" and "I'm Single. Now What? 13 Steps on How to Live Single and Free." I am also the author of "The Power of Purpose: Living Your Destiny" and "Write That Book: Tips For New Authors." They are available on Amazon, B&N and everywhere that books are sold. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram at @michellegcameronllc & on Facebook at My website is See you again soon!

6 thoughts on “Savior of the World….ME??”

  1. Good stuff! I have a heart for people also and I have to pray for discernment before helping SOME people. It’s a blessing to have a giving heart because most people only think about them and no one else. Totally feel you on this blog.

  2. Excellent and inspiring! As women, we are natural nurturers and caregivers. When God created us it was already etched in our DNA for us to be a help to our mate, but it is also in us to “take care” of others and everything else that concerns us. As I was reading, I kept thinking, “Let go of the Super-Woman mentality.” I learned a while ago how to just “cast my cares upon the Lord”…He can “take care” of things better than I can.I used to put my hands in things and the person(s) I helped would then see me as their “god” for always being there. That becomes tiresome and draining, and soon you are no help to even yourself. Life becomes much lighter when we let God be the HELP that He is. Oftentimes, we forget that what others may be facing is what God intends for them to face in order to get their attention. As hard as it may be due to having a heart like His, we have to step back and watch Him be who He is. Thanks for posting Michelle, this was a great reminder for me!!!

    1. Hi Regina,
      Certainly the reality of life becoming lighter is what I need to experience. I have carried so many situations on my shoulders (some without good reason) for so many years! What a relief to lean on His everlasting arms!

  3. Wow! I was thinking along this exact vein today! Two friends confided in me over the weekend and I had to search my own heart when they seemed to balk at my advice. Maybe I was there to listen and offer understanding but not solve their problem. Again, I say, Wow!

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